Pantaloons, Schools, Scams, Sticky Notes and Hope [ALERT:28Apr2011]

Niagara Patriot Recap

At the Niagara Patriots Candidate Forum on Monday night,  Hochul never showed, Davis got a luke warm reception, and Jane Corwin was well liked as she answered many questions, and stayed around to talk to everyone. Also seems Davis has changed his position on some issues, namely abortion, which seemed a definite plus. But when asked if he would defund Planned Parenthood, he didn’t answer the question, accused a longtime Niagara Patriot and recent inductee into the Grand Island Republican committee Mike Madigan of being a GOP plant, then marched out the door. Meanwhile, Davis supporter “Roy” made his rounds, disrupting the speakers nearly every step of the way, badmouthed TEANewYork and Primary Challenge members, asked Jane Corwin a confrontational question and didn’t bother to listen to the answer.  It’d be funny if it weren’t so sad. Photos & comments here.

The May 2nd Erie County Patriot Meeting was well attended with new people — new members and longtime members that only recently became more actively involved.  Tim B. had some particularly good ideas, offering some fresh perspective on how we may move forward.  We need your input!  So we encourage you to do the same. Check out the calendar.

Nice Job, Tea Partiers!
Check out these really nice TEANewYork Meetup Group Reviews.

Celebrate Our Vets

The Niagara Falls City Republican Committee
Cordially Invites You to the
Annual Dinner Reception
Honoring WNY Heroes and Founder Chris Kreiger
Celebrating Our Veterans

Guest Speakers: Senator George Maziarz
and Assemblyman John Ceretto
Dinner, Cash Bar, Basket Auction & 50/50 Split
Thursday, May 19th from 6 – 8 pm  at the

LaSalle Yacht Club, 73 South 68th Street, Niagara Falls NY
Tickets: $50/person, $90/couple, $350/table of 8
$55/person at door
Tickets are $30 for Veterans

You might remember that Niagara Falls City Republican Committee Chairman Bob Krause informed us that he had 30 spots to fill on his committee, and he wants to fill them all with TEA Party people~!  Unlike the Niagara and Erie County Chairs, who haven’t exactly embraced us, their natural allies, Bob is in a league of his own.  As such, we’d very much like to support his efforts.
More info here.

Bronx Bullies
The Kingsbridge Innovative Design Charter School (KIDS) in the Bronx NY, has been under tremendous pressure to unionize, despite their firm commitment not to.  The Union has support from the local media, who is reporting financial difficulty out of proportion to reality.

We received a call from Mr. Julio Cotto, co-founder of Kingsbridge (KIDS), asking for whatever assistance we are able to give.  We put out a call for people in the area, and at least one person that I know of from the Bronx Campaign for Liberty planned to attend last night’s Public Hearing on the matter.  We also partner with the Conservative Society for Action (CSA) in Suffolk County, who also made some inquiries, unfortunately with little success.  I’m also hoping to get some advice or assistance from Susan Toomey from CSAT here in Kenmore, and Carl Paladino, who has been a very strong advocate for Charter Schools.  In addition, we contacted the Right to Work Foundation for free legal aid, and they have assigned someone to the case, though we have yet to hear from them.

Interestingly, Mr. Cotto has been a lifelong Democrat, and indicated that the hard decision to vote for Obama was made believing the Democrat Party is better equipped to manage the nation’s education system.  He says he doesn’t remember regretting any decision more.  Any efforts to reach out to members of his party have been met with opposition, and the only help he is receiving has been from us — TEANewYork.  It’s been a hard lesson to learn, for a non-political man who simply wants to educate children properly and responsibly.

Here’s the letter we sent to Judy of CSA to post on Facebook, a portion of which we also sent to the RTF Foundation.

Inner-city push
Parents of students in Buffalo Public Schools are preparing to stage protests to draw attention to the substandard education their children are receiving.  We would like to support their efforts, and much will depend on a meeting being held on May 3rd of “local and state decision-makers” — though if their past history is any indication, we shouldn’t expect much.  Read the story here: Parents win support for meeting on school woes — City leaders, churches applaud call to action

Movie Time
Join us for a sobering look into the appalling condition of our Public School System.
Hosted by Buffalo 912, to be held at the Gateway Building — this Friday the 29th at 7pm.
Check it out.

Distorted Kathy Hochul Ads
Does anyone remember Kathy Hochul being involved in the battle to remove the Buffalo tolls?  If so, please share it.  You can simply hit “Reply.”  The ad is here.

Another newer ad says she plans to address the deficit by NOT destroying Medicaid and not giving tax breaks to multimillionaires.  The Democrat talking points may be effective for people with their heads in the sand, but just a little bit of research revealeth much. The truth is that the Obama health law reduces future funding for Medicare by $575 billion over the next 10 years and spends the money on other programs, including a vast expansion of Medicaid.  Story here.

Cuomo/Media Lovefest
Cuomo Accepts US Taxpayer Bailout Leaving Devastating 2012 $15 Billion Deficit.

Join the Class-Action Lawsuit
to Stop Back-Door Borrowing

Fund Drive

The initial filing of an Article 78 is a petition to challenge an authority, or a governmental decision which will cost from $350 to $500.  The remainder of the $3000 will be used to request an injunction, which simply stops the Authorities from further borrowing until a determination is made, if they are in fact, violating the law.  Which of course they are.

Since our last appeal, we have received …. wait let me count, it’ll just take me a sec… exactly Zero dollars toward our goal of $3000, to sue the State over Back-door borrowing. Zero, Zip, Zilch, Nada.  Naturally we’re not going to get very far if we only come up with around $400 for the initial filing.  We can talk, sign petitions and read about the reckless spending our legislators engage in, like teenage girls with a credit card at a Macy’s Spring Sale, all we want.  But actions speak louder than words, and Litigation seems to be the only language politicians speak.  If you think it’s a BAD IDEA, just hit “Reply” and tell us why.

Again, the NYS Legislature cannot borrow money to finance their frivolous spending spree without our approval, and if they put to a public vote (or referendum), they know we would turn it down.  So they borrow enormous sums of money through such unaccountable entities as the Thruway and Dormitory Authorities, who in turn hand it over to the State Legislature, and you still foot the bill.

There’s a little more info here: New York’s hole just gets deeper.

You may donate on-line here: TeaNY PAC
Or send a check or Money Order to
PO Box 204
Grand Island, NY 14072

If you wish to sign on without donating, or for any questions,
just email Jul at

Joe Arpaio
Funny story!… Our friend George Wajackoyah, who is running for the Kenyan presidency, calls me on occasion to briefly chat with people he meets in his travels… Well the other day, I had the honor and privilege of speaking with Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio!  You remember, chain gangs, prisoners in pink, and a savings to the State of Arizona of over $500,000 in the first three years alone?  He’s also not waiting for the federal government to hem and haw over immigration policy — he’s gathering up illegals and transporting them to his tent cities.

We totally need to get that dude here.
Check him out: Sheriff Joe on YouTube.

The Real Gas Hog
When Obama was sworn in, the price of gasoline was $1.60 a gallon.  Now it’s up to $4.00 a gallon, and we expect it to steadily rise to $5.  In case you missed it, read here How Obama is Making Gas Prices Higher.

Rising Stars
Wouldn’t it be nice if one of these gents would step up to the plate and consider a presidential run in 2012?  You can click on the links for some interesting biographies….

rising stars.pres.2010

       Marco Rubio                Allen West         Bobby Jindal            Chris Christie

Annie, Gitcher Gun
Virtually every effort to undermine our protected 2nd Amendment Right to Bear Arms is one step closer to disarming the populace, and allowing government and criminals who will always get their guns on the black market, to have free reign.  Ask the 1.5 million Armenians who surrendered their right to defend themselves to the Turkish government in 1911, or about 20 million Russians after the 1929 Soviet gun ban.  Whoops, you can’t. They were exterminated.

Click here to Sign the petition to help stop H.R. (House of Reps) 308, the Gun Grabbers’ Magazine Ban Bill.   If passed, Congresswoman Carolyn McCarthy’s Magazine Ban Bill would outlaw the sale or transfer of firearm magazines with a capacity of more than ten rounds.  And read here about the horrific aftereffects of World Gun Control in History.

The Ryan Plan
Medicare As We’ve Known It Isn’t an Option

Paul Ryan’s premium support plan is preferable to Obama’s rationing panel.
The Ryan Plan — the Report

Dump Trump?
Amid the ballyhoo over the supposed birth certificate that Obama finally produced Wednesday morning, nothing seems to have been settled.  For a picture of what clearly looks like a photo-shopped copy of his birth certificate, see Obama Document Still Doesn’t Answer all Questions.  For a compelling analysis of why it is a fake, check out the Obama Birth Certificate Scam.  No surprise there.

Some have questions about Donald Trump.  He backed Harry Reid when Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle was ahead in the polls, and he got government to declare imminent domain on an old lady’s house so he could build a parking lot.  “Fuzzy Slippers” makes her case for dumping The Donald:
“The left has one playbook.  One.  And we are being played.  Oh yes, Trump is a leftist–he’s calling himself a “compassionate conservative” nowadays, and we all know that means nanny state entitlements and big government…. It’s deja flipping vu all over again, only we’re the sheeple now.  Blindly following our new pied piper whose only tune is destroying BO, causing a constitutional crisis, and unseating the emperor with no clothes.  And seating in his stead another, equally-naked emperor who has the exact same agenda, the exact same ideology.”
Read it here:
Dear TEA Party Trump Chumps, Dump Trump
..and listen to it on YouTube here:
Mark Levin: I Prefer to Call Mr. Trump, Mr. Chump

However, no one is calling out BO, or spending the enormous amount of resources to expose his real citizenship (that BO has already spent over $2 million to keep locked in a box) like Trump is.  So we’re happy to leave Trump be.  For now.

Organized Labor’s
Influence Slipping Away
as Tough Economy Erodes Power
Be encouraged.

Sticky Note
Join the Sticky Note Campaign! Every time you stop to fill your vehicle with gas, place your sticky note somewhere on the pump before you drive away.  DO NOT be destructive in ANY way!  Place your sticky note somewhere, so as not to impede the next customer’s ability to read the pump’s digital readout.  When you go to the grocery store, place them on the shelve next to the price.  After placing your sticky note, please consider taking a digital picture, then uploading it to[1.  In the caption, tell us where you put the sticky.  This is meant to be a “quiet” protest by our silent majority of Americans, to be served upon this administration!
The Sticky Note Campaign.
We may have some made up for purchase at some upcoming meetings…
~Submitted by Laura of Buffalo 912

I Can Only Imagine 
We received so many wonderful comments on the Easter message about the father & son duo, I felt a need to share it with you again, in case you missed it.. plus I accidentally mixed up the links, so here it is again:  It also reminds us how temporary our inferior earthly bodies are, compared to the promise that we’ll be raised up in glorified bodies.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for that message.  It brought both tears and joy.  What a beautiful story for Easter and always, lest we forget what really is important in this life.
Bless you,
That was an amazing story of love, devotion and inspiration. Thank you. I am inspired.

Oh my goodness!!  I don’t think I have ever seen anything so moving.  Thank you for starting my day so inspired!  While watching the video I relaized that GOD is pulling my raft, peddling my bicycle and pushing my wheelcahir.  I am as handicapped as Rick and need my Heavenly Father every step of my life.  This video really put my life into perspective.  Thanks a ton.
I am sending you a big hug…

I had the father on my show.  It was wonderful.God BlessKathy Weppner
Straight Talk


Thanks for sharing!

That light at the end of the tunnel?  That’s not an oncoming train!

Reply to:  Rus or Jul at

“…these things will change, can you feel it now?
These walls that they put up to hold us back will fall down.
It’s a revolution, the time will come for us to finally win
                 We’ll sing hallelujah!”   ~Taylor Swift in Change

About TEANewYork

TEANewYork was established as a resource for many things political, issue-oriented and policy-wise, and for things you can actually do, to actively participate in reforming our severely dysfunctional New York State government. What are you waiting for? Jump on in!
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