Con Con Media Alert: Thursday 4.24 Oral Arguments

Holding Government Accountable to our Constitutions

THURSDAY – APRIL 24, 2014 – 1:30PM
Albany County Courthouse, 16 Eagle Street

New York State Supreme Court Justice, the Hon. Kimberly A. O’Connor presiding
Robert L. Schulz, et al., v. Andrew Cuomo, et al.,
Albany County Index No: 6473-12
RJI No: 01-13-109817

Robert L. Schulz, pro so plaintiff , will argue against a team of attorneys representing Defendants. Defendants are named as Andrew M. Cuomo, Dean Skelos, Jonathon Lippman, Michael R. Bloomberg, Danny Donahue, Ed Cox, but each is meant to include the entire “class” of persons in their various categories of government involvement or influence. (i.e Cuomo and all in the Executive branch; Skelos and all in the Legislative Branch, Lippman and all in the Judicial branch, etc)


Judge O’Connor’s Decision and Order – January 29, 2014

Notice of Motion to Vacate Filed by Plaintiffs who believe that Decision to be in error – February 28, 2014

Read WHY: Brief in Support of Motion to Vacate – Important information here

Here’s the CASE from Start to Present Date: Case Docket


97 Citizens from across the state file a lawsuit seeking a Declaration from the Court that lobbyists, politicians, or others associated with government cannot be Delegates at any future state constitutional convention. Those aligned with these very groups – The ‘Defendants’ – have asked the Court to dismiss the case.
Thursday is the day Plaintiffs will defend the Rights of the People of New York to have control over one of the two pathways to Constitutional change in our State.

Schulz must convince the Judge that the issue of Delegate Selection is determinative in how the people will vote when the issue of a constitutional convention comes on the ballot and, that this issue must be settled far in advance of any such vote.


*Governor Cuomo promised to address the Delegate Selection issue and bring a (much needed) ‘People’s Constitutional Convention’ to New York State as a key component of his campaign platform;

*Going back as far as 2009, members of the Legislature have been discussing the need to address this issue with constituents across the state. Bills have been introduced pertaining to the subject without resolution.

*Prominent businessman Bill Samuels, Minority Leader Brian Kolb, constitutional expert SUNY – New Paltz Professor Gerald Benjamin, to name but a few, have come together in an earnest and sincere non-partisan effort to educate the people about the need to address the issue of Delegate Selection and other matters pertaining to our State Constitution at

*Historically speaking, the 1967 debacle Con Con and its outcome, influenced the people from approving a Con Con in 1977 and 1997, yet the N.Y. State Constitution is badly in need of being addressed in its entirety. There have been 240+ piecemeal Amendments to the N.Y. Constitution since 1935 – most of which the people have approved without any real understanding of how each one fits into the document as a whole and impacts on Life in New York on a day to day basis. (SPREADSHEET ON AMENDMENTS)

*A “People’s Constitutional Convention” with Delegates who are free and unaligned with government interests would allow the People of New York State to evaluate the performance of government and the Rulebook which is meant to govern their behavior.
Judith Whitmore

Bob Schulz


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